The past three months have resulted in the delivery of key aspects of the project, including completion of much of the ground work in preparation for removing the level crossings at North, McKinnon and Centre roads and constructing new stations at Ormond, McKinnon and Bentleigh. With the completion of the Easter works program, including the…
With the completion of the Easter works program, including the longest full road closures, are now over.
Figure: MicKinnon Station Artist’s ImpressionFollowing completion of the bridge decks at North, McKinnon and Centre roads, the project team is now preparing to excavate and form the new lowered rail cutting.
This work will take place as part of an intensive five week work program which will run from Friday 24 June until Monday 1 August.
Connect People is proud of our ongoing engagement with this exciting project, and we look forward to providing further updates as the project progresses through the next crucial phase.
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